Slide Alto Piano offers a full range of services for the art world. We constantly work on documentation projects and films about artists and exhibitions. Alto Piano is fully equipped to bring together everything you need to communicate an art event. VIEW ARCHIVE

Massimo Bartolini

Artisti per Frescobaldi // CastelGiocondo

Massimo Bartolini // DUE QUI / TO HEAR // Venice Biennale 2024

Massimo Bartolini // Hagoromo // Museo Pecci

Massimo Bartolini // Black Circle Square // Castrop Rauxel

Massimo Bartolini // Museo Mario Marini

Massimo Bartolini // Four Organs // Fondazione Merz

Massimo Bartolini // UNTITLED (WAVE) // dOCUMENTA 13

Massimo Bartolini // BASEMENTS // Galleria Massimo De Carlo

Massimo Bartolini // Sala F // Biennale di Venezia 2009

Massimo Bartolini // Organi // Galleria Massimo De Carlo