Slide Alto Piano offers a full range of services for the art world. We constantly work on documentation projects and films about artists and exhibitions. Alto Piano is fully equipped to bring together everything you need to communicate an art event. VIEW ARCHIVE


Giulio Paolini // Arte Povera 2011 // Triennale Di Milano

Michelangelo Pistoletto // Année 1 – Le Paradis Sur Terre // Musée Du Louvre // Galleria Continua

Céleste Boursier-Mougenot // from here to ear (v.15) // Pirelli HangarBicocca

Alfredo Jaar // It is difficult // Pirelli HangarBicocca

Paola Pivi // It’s A Cocktail Party // Portikus

Anselm Kiefer // I Sette Palazzi Celesti // Pirelli HangarBicocca

Carsten Höller // Test Site // Tate Modern