A project by Alto Piano and Promemoria Group for FontanaArte.

Director: Matteo Frittelli
Subjects: Promemoria Group
First Unit: Gabrio Bellotti, Alessandro Passamonti
Second Unit: Stefano Poletti, Fabrizio Farroni
Assistant: Pedro Pablo Hernández de Obeso
Video Editing: Alessandro Cerretelli, Gustė Jurgaitytė
Color: Filippo Prestinari
Creativity and Graphic Design: Caterina Ghio, Martina Maccagno Valè
Production: Emma Orlandi

FontanaArte. Milano 1932, an iconic Italian lighting and design furniture company, has enlisted Promemoria in a project to rediscover its original heritage ninety years after its founding. Promemoria began the journey of discovering and enhancing FontanaArte’s historical and artistic repertoire, going on to define the basis of a tool conceived for the future, with a strongly contemporary character. Alto Piano’s involvement in this context brings to light Archivio. The Secret Light, a teaser outlining the path of discovery of authentic documents, drawings, and images defining FontanaArte’s values and identity, giving voice to a collaborative project involving the brand’s collaborators and community.
