About the exhibition
“The Artist-Collector’s Dream (a nice thing)” is an exhibition that sees the Bulgarian artist Nedko Solakov simultaneously engaged in playing multiple roles: artist, collector, architect of the realisation of one of his dreams. Ultimately, the creator of an inclusive and decidedly original exhibition project.
Nedko Solakov and his wife collect works by artists whom they value and whose work they love immensely. Over the years they have put together a vast collection composed mostly of small works; from this collection, Solakov selected sixteen artists from whom they have works and three – Chen Zhen, Anish Kapoor and Carol Rama – from whom they don’t have works, writing to them and inviting them to take part in his project for Galleria Continua in San Gimignano. In his letter, he explained that for the exhibition he would exhibit a large installation from 2008 entitled “Some Nice Things to Enjoy While You Are Not Making a Living”; but in comparison with the previous displays of the work at Kunstmuseum Bonn, Kunstmuseum St Gallen and S.M.A.K., Ghent, he would add one more, really special “nice thing” – his passion to collect.