About the exhibition
Compass refers not only to a navigational instrument but also a drawing instrument; a linguistic crossover and a functional crossover that is neatly representative of this exhibition which presents some of the artist’s most recent works alongside previously unseen ones.
Including drawings on Japanese rice paper (kitikata) as well as Nepalese paper, tapestries, bronze and aluminum sculptures, contact prints on silver gelatin photo paper and gold-leafed cyanotypes, a chemical photo-sensitive printing technique that leaves the relief of the image on a cyan background, the exhibition reflects on the constant concerns of the artist – the vastness of the universe and the female and animal soul. These latter cyanotype works, self-portraits of the artist, combine the artist’s tendency towards the end of the 90’s to turn her attention to the external world and the constant preoccupation of her oeuvre on the body, of the artist and of the female.