Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza

Videography, Exhibition, Documentation
Home > Art

Direction: Matteo Frittelli
Art Direction: Alessandro Riva
Video Editing: Alessandro Passamonti, Andrea Favia
Year: 2021


The permanent exhibition tells the story of the Palladian Basilica inside the hall through Palladian Constellations. The project, carried out in collaboration with the Alquadrato Studio of Vicenza, was born from the idea of ​​”making the parallelepiped in the hall speak”, a functional architectural solution for the preparation of large exhibitions in the Basilica, an example of circular economy and a high-value structure aesthetic that respects the monumental environment in which it is immersed. The dark and harmonious surfaces of the “cube” stimulated attention and imagination, leading to an in-depth study of its further functionality: the communicative one. The “cube” therefore also becomes a communicative space, a contribution to enriching the visitor’s experience and enhancing the architectural context in which it is located.

The history and identity of the Basilica are told through a constellation of screens that rest on the “cube” dark surface and illuminate it with ten videos that present different narratives. The Palladian space is respected, the silence is not interrupted, the visitor has the opportunity to enjoy what he sees inside the hall in the way and order that most inspires him. The sky, represented by the cube, offers luminous constellations that deal with different topics grouped into themes: history, numbers, costs, the timeline, the Basilica over time, great exhibitions, great events, suggestions, details, the city and its national monument. The project is constantly evolving, the flexibility of the elements allows you to enrich the story with new stories, new exhibitions and new curiosities about the Palladian Basilica, its intimate relationship with the city, its extraordinary past and its future.